
3 years

Starting Date


Tuition Fee

2,000 per year


Aveiro, Portugal

About the programme

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) to be developed by the students in the Cultural Studies programme at Universidade de Aveiro:

It is anticipateded that the graduates of this doctoral programme will either obtain or consolidate the following skills:

  • Sociocultural competence obtained to a high degree and which privileges the deepening of theories, of study methods of analysis and cultural commentary in the various domains which are the object of research.
  • Competence in conceiving, planning and executing in an autonomous manner research of the highest level in cultural studies.
  • Capacity to reflect critically, especially on cultural phenomena, and be able to draw together a understanding of complex ideas.
  • The ability to open up an interdisciplinary dialogue in order to make connections between diverse tendencies in cultural studies, but also with other bodies of knowledge with which they are in constant interaction.
  • Communicative competences and literarycultural abilities which enable them to transmit information about the studies they have carried out.

Courses Included

  • Cultural Hermeneutics
  • Cultural Tourism Topics

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